Does the child have to live in Jackson?    No, the programs are open to all children

Is it a yearly membership fee? Yes

Does a parent or guardian have to stay with the child during a program?  It depends on the program but in most cases, No. We do ask for contact information during the event in case an emergency arises. We do ask that the children be picked up promptly after the program.  We do have limited space and can only have a maxium of 2 adults wait per family. We also request that the adults do not have conversation while the program is going on, this allows the children to hear the instructions.

I would like to volunteer, are there opportunities? Yes, We are always looking for adult help with the program and to plan the programs 

Why do we have to register? Registrations are requested so there are enough supplies for all the children. There is also limited space in the one room schoolhouse

Why is money refunded for some programs? In the past we have had children register and not show up. Supplies have been purchased for the event. 

Why do you need my childs grade and school?  We try to have the activities age appropriate and we would like to know what school the child attends if we have to divide the children into groups

Can I bring my small children to the event?  Most programs are not set for them, but considerations may be taken if contacting us in advance. 

I have a homeschool, scout troop or other childrens group. Can they attend a program as a group? YES, as long as they all register. We also can provide a program catered to fit your needs. 

E-mail:    Jackson.historical@gmail.com


Copyright @ Jackson Township Historical Society. All rights reserved.

Jackson Township Historical Society

McGuffey's Kid Club (MKC) 

Is open to any child grades K-6

Children do not have to be a member to attend the programs unless it is a "member only" event

See bottom of page for FAQ's

For more information about membership and programs, go to

Facebook -- McGuffey's Kids Club- Jackson Township Historical Society

Twitter -- McGuffey JTHS

E-mail -- McGuffeyJTHS@gmail.com