E-mail:    Jackson.historical@gmail.com


Copyright @ Jackson Township Historical Society. All rights reserved.

Jackson Township Historical Society


E-mail JTHS today     Jackson.Historical@gmail.com



Many hands make light work, and we cannot work without the help of volunteers. We are always looking for committee members to assist the chair people. If you would like more information or are interested in helping, please contact Jackson.Historical@gmail.com. For most committees you can make your own schedule, number of hours, and some can be done at home. I hope you consider us a worthy organization and donate your time.

Here is a list of opportunities and some of what the committees do. Most of the committees have sub-commitments so you can pick in what you are interested.

Trustees- They meet monthly to make decisions about the future of the historic building, archives, finances, and the historical society in general. (per the bylaws there can be up to nine trustees)

Secretary- Attends meetings to keep the minutes and present them to the trustees.

Financial committee-(subcommittees) fundraising, helps with and plans money making events, applies for grants.

Educational- (subcommittees) Plans programs, works the open house, plans the McGuffey Kids’ Club Programs, set up and help with the 3rd grade program, research projects, writing, collaborates with the schools.

Publicity- (subcommittees) Outreach events, social media newsletter, writing, make flyers for events, promote events to Canton Repository, update website, change the sign out front (onsite)

Membership- publicize and process memberships.

Building Committee- Assist with work that needs to get done around the schoolhouse.

Collection/ Archives- (subcommittees) –(onsite) prepare for inventory, accepts donations, and catalogs the items in the computer. Training is available, clean basement. Help with organization of basement.

Volunteer coordinator- (subcommittees) sets up volunteer schedule, hospitality, places volunteers in places of their interest and need.

The following committees meet as needed: Bylaws, Long Range Planning, Disaster planning.